
Depression Cherry took me a couple of listens before I really got into it. Now, it's one of my favorites of the year. My initial listen of this one does not leave much of an impression, but who knows, maybe after a few more times I'll love it.

Unsurprisingly,@ComradeQuestions:disqus is surprised at Surprise Party

Try as I might, I can't forget Revenge. I bought their album "One True Passion" hoping for some more New Order lite in the vein of Monaco, but man was it atrocious, So bad.

I never read the Goosebumps series as I was out of their age range when they were released. I did however attempt to read Stine's "adult" horror novel Red Rain. It was very terrible and I couldn't even finish it.

The Pogues, 90% of their songs.

What if I bought one in 2014?

Check out the Big Brain on Internet! Scientific American, huh? Is this what they got you learning in that fancy pants school of yours? You think you're better than your old man, internet?

There was no boy or girl, just a spooky-voiced male narrator. It was very similar to Disney's "Chilling Thrilling SOunds of the Haunted House" Even using some of the same sketches, like the super long wick.

My cousin had a tape or possibly record that was a tour through a haunted house. It had a haunted ballroom, hounds from hell, bats in the Belfry. For the life of me I can't find out what it was. and I've tried looking for it every Halloween.

The Devil's Backbone disagrees with your "like ever" statement.

I love looking at A "Random Roles" and thinking "eh, I'm really not that interested in this actor" and then I just sort of skip to the movies and roles I remember and start reading and the stories are just amazing. Whether it's through insider info, or general enthusiasm, or a bunch of both as Mr. Kind here gives. It

Wait. That first paragraph is true?!? Sounds nuts.

Maybe it's my 90's upbringing, but there's something about cute girls in overalls that get my heart all aflutter.

I'm seeing double here. Four Eli Roth movies.

Oui Oui Monsieur.

They can't do this to me. I only have so many spaces on my "Best Albums of 2015" List. "Depression Cherry" is already sitting somewhere near the top. Another (proabably) excellent (based on their track record) album would force some other poor artist off the list.

the tears of the maligned.

That's what we said about Game of Thrones, yet here we are still waiting…

I don't think this song is totally fucking terrible, but I agree this sounds more like Kele solo material than Bloc Party. Maybe that's why the bassist and drummer left. "Remember when we were more Post-Punk Kele? That is who we are"

Friday I'm in love? Too bad Life has killed me by then…