
I have always wanted to watch this movie but I never have. It's still sitting in my Netflix queue as I type this.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a notorious piece of shit institution.

Let's not.

Is Kim Dylla just a pseudonym of Kim Deal?

Reading this comment reminds me that I need to egg someone's home tonight.

I haven't read it in ages but I don't remember that synopsis at all either.

Do I really need to "Watch This" AV Club? Can't I read the Wiki Plot synopsis and call it a day?

Last night was Margaritas Baby! With the last of the tequila in the house no less.

Love "One More Time" My favorite Daft Punk song. I also love the sax on "The Way You Remember me."

Hey I also had "Garageland" plus I got "Daysleeper" yesterday. Such a good late period REM song.

I haven't hit the shuffle in over a year.

Filling in the Blanks

Saying Jack Mulatto is probably offensive right?

You are probably the only person in the world who saw, and remembered, that there was a Celebrity Deathmatch revival ten years ago.

I feel we should rastafy this comment by…ten percent or so.

And the Third Man retweets are a demonstration that the label intern thought finding "Jack Gray" tweets was a good use of their time.

That would be an inspiring choice.

They can still put him there. After all, they usually just move the stones, not the bodies.

I don't even own a comment.

The link goes nowhere. Accordion Thumb is not a thing.