
In honor of an excellent They Might Be Giants show last night I skipped my normal routine of listening to my iPod in alphabetical order (currently filling in the blanks from my initial go-through) and decided to do an honest shuffle of just They Might Be Giants songs.

It's gotten worse I tells ya!

What a great Xmas.

"Science is Real" is one of my daughter's favorite songs. A few weeks ago we took a road trip and she wanted me to repeat it for at least 30 minutes.She loves many of the other "Giants" songs as well.

*gives nod in solidarity.

I love them too. "Manners" is just pure sugar and amazing. "Gossamer" was also great and I am looking forward to giving this one a spin. (I love the singles so far)

"as with any long-running, consistently solid act, They Might Be Giants has been taken for granted." This is so true for me. TMBG used to be just always there for me. Yeah I loved them but for whatever reason I did take them for granted. Then in the last few years, thanks to internet radio and their own return to form

I'll see you there Reginald!

I don't know what's worse, The Feature Hatesong which is pretty dire, or all of the asshole commenters that come out of the woodwork for a Hatesong comment section. Or me for the "get off my lawn" sentiments of how this place used to be so much better.

"Stop Whispering" is Fucking great though. So is "Thinking About You." And "Lurgee" always make me emotional. Aw hell, I just love Pablo Honey

Tell me when someone is "old enough" to go bald.

Look internet, I know in these post-recession years I have said "A Job's a job." but are you even trying anymore? I know it's difficult to find your "dream job," lord knows I'm still looking. But I just see what you are doing here as a waste of your potential. I'm just a bit disappointed, internet.

Good point. I'm going to fly around the Earth a bunch of times and make it go backwards so I can be 15 again!

I ordered the Final Fantasy Tactics Original Soundtrack a few weeks back and it finally arrived Monday. It's giving me some great nostalgia for that game. Plus it makes my workday for adventurous.

I'll be seeing them next Tuesday and I'm pretty damn excited.

I was super excited on my commute home from work to reach the final song alphabetically on my iPod, "9-9" by R.E.M. I started my journey of listening to all my songs on January 16th, 2014 and over a year later I was nearly done. Time to listen to those songs that have been added to itunes since then. I didn't think


Get your ass to Mars

I can pretty much agree with all of this.

True enough.