
Yesterday I started "Under Wildwood" the second in Colin Meloy's Wildwood series. I thought the first one was really good and am hoping for more fun in this one.

I think I need to re-read "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" I remember loving it, but not much else about it except the nice world-building footnotes.

Mid-August we are heading down to Sarasota, Florida for a week and a day. I just want to spend it all sitting on the beach and swimming in the Gulf

I jumped into the J's this morning! (I'm always excited to move into a new letter)

Ferment is absolutely a rainy day album. My favorite track is "Flower to Hide" actually one of my favorite ever songs.

Your wife wants to know, or you want to poison your wife?

Wait, when did Cobra-La kill Snow Job? I thought the only "death" in that movie was Duke which was poorly edited into a coma and then recovery. Yo Joe!

2,121 Songs into my iPod collection (I started listening though alphabetically in January, mainly on my commute and while running):

I agree, he had a lot of fun and emotion in his vocals. Maybe Jon Snow is just too dour to do anything with.

El Guapo only kills men. He does not kill crying women!


"fuck the politics when you have an album as great as "London Calling" That's about the truest thing that has ever been written on these here AV Club boards.

Man I wonder what those guys are up to now? They should do a reunion tour and album.

My inner 10-year old just fainted.

Franchise? There's more than 1?

I have to agree with Point 2. Here the fans are celebrating the end of the long drought. The end of the great curse and there are Fallon and Barrymore filming their rom-com. I'd be pissed if that ever happened to my drought stricken, curse-ridden Indians.

Farewell Mr. VanDerWerff and good luck! Your reviews and essays were almost always amazing and thought-provoking. And this goodbye was gonzo and poignant.


I looked at those around me who I called 'friends' and realized what pretentious douchebags they were and decided I would rather hang out with people who were fun.