
What?! But what about my Silver Age team? What happened to them?

It's all a bait and switch. Cooper is actually doing Groot's voice, with Vin Diesel as Rocket Raccoon.

I had no idea there was going to be a raccoon in this. Is that a regular character? Whatever happened to Vance Astro? or Yondu?


"In this department we go by the book!"

You also have to wonder about his use of "hands" does he mean the singular plural, as in his own 2 hands, or does he mean the plural plural, as in his and the band's hands? If it's the former then he has both hands on other's dicks, and holding anything else might be difficult, if it's the latter, then it is possible

It's hard to play instruments with anybody's dick in your hands.

The Tigers are playing tonight. And I never miss a game.

Had I known about that when I was younger I probably would have applied for it.

I got it from my library a while back. Sadly when I tried to reorder it today I see they now only have the second book, which is not as good as the first but still pretty solid.

It's basically a Meta-Commentary on the entire history of Superman with the Liefeld-Created Supreme as a Stand-in. I read it a while back and was blown away by it.

For more great Alan Moore Superman stories check out Supreme. Ok, it's not Superman and you have to deal with Liefeld and Liefeld-like artists but god damn did I love those books.

I have tried to pass of Xtopher as a legitimate form.

Like that Tiptoes film I hear so much about.

So if he was in the third one, and he's terrible, how come people still try to convince me that the third one was decent? Grievous is another strike against it.

I haven't watched the Prequels in forever, Wasn't Grievous in the second one? Wasn't he a terrible character with asthma?

I will always love The Cure and look forward to a new release by them. I actually really liked their last album but that may be because the self-titled one that came before it was really bad.

But a great band to Love.

But it has twice as many songs which might feel like overindulgence (don't quote me on that number)

That's the spirit!