
He also was a CEO who decided to cut down his own salary when his company fell on hard times rather than doing the usual downsize/prepare-golden-parachute stunt that has become so prevalent nowadays.

Wall-E is obviously the best Pixar movie. Toy Story 3 was the worst Toy Story!

Wall-E is so much better than The Incredibles, and Ratatouille is so much better than up. You are insane.

12. Toy Story

I first played it on PC. It was amazing. Addicting, that speed. I would kill for an Oculus version. And throttle support. And... *swoon*

I would definitely play a current gen version of this game.

is it just me, or does that snippet of Thomas’ dissent kind of read like he’s in favor of slavery and internment camps?

The first time I tried virtual reality was in 1990 or 1991? It was at a mall in St Louis Missouri and we waited in line for AGES at a friends birthday party. I remember there was a ball flying around that was part of the gameplay and what looked like a pterodactyl in the sky. It looked like crap, but wow - it was

So much self-centered/special-snowflake in here. “I buy all this shit I never use, the store should quit selling stuff to me!”

I JUST started playing this game last night on my newly upgraded PC (GTX 750TI and 16GB RAM, thank you very much). I’m loving it!!!

While I think the story for Mass Effect 2 took the franchise to new heights (and will admit to being a Mass Effect 3 apologist), the weapons in the first game were something I missed in the sequels. In fact, playing the opening of 2 after you first wake up and have to fight your way out felt jarring and took some

Eh, he’s right about that. If you include guns, there needs to be a certain amount of design time put into ensuring that they aren’t too powerful or too weak, and that getting just the right gun doesn’t completely undermine certain encounters, and all sorts of things.

I’d LOVE for it to be like ME1 with the ability to

Then choose to play another game.

I honestly prefer this. The problem with having guns is that you then have to design for them. Which means you’re designing for a strategy that isn’t in the focus of what the devs want the game to be.

What are the odds of Cloud saying “Let’s Mosey”?

Good call. Letting kids virtually experience sexual intimacy would only serve to distract them from the much more developmentally crucial virtual experiences like murdering people.

I can say very comfortably that I’m far more interested in this than The Last Guardian. So glad a studio known for FPS games has the balls to try something new. Looks fucking amazing.

Jet Force Gemini?

I actually love this not for the game but for the discussion!! As a marketing major I find it exciting to see (or hear) things like this that show how major presentations are planned. It also reminds you that under the glamor and awe there are people like you or me discussing and planning things rather normally.

I have bought all the Steam games. I am no longer affected.