
"curmudgeonly"…not gonna lie, had to look that one up.

Best comment I've read all day. Thanks!

But that's the thing. There are laws that are in place that remove those type of expectations. Sure with some jobs there are expectations of long hours, being stressed, managers that are slave drivers, but what is not, is an expectation of harassment because it is illegal. If it wasn't illegal, I could see your point.

You've totally lost me. If you work for a corporation in the United States, harassment from any employee or employer based on age, sex, religion, and sexual orientation is not something that is acceptable in the workplace and is punishable by law. Plain and simple. This includes Fox News or any corporation. This is

I'm pretty sure that she didn't agree to harassment when she took the job. If it was "contractual" and your flawed assessment was correct, then why would she be suing? Your argument that she should have expected to be treated that way is just totally wrong. No one working in a United States workplace has to experience

Ha way off buddy. It's a corporate workplace which has not only professional expectations, but also LAWS against bullying, harrasing and discrimination. Similar to that of the United States. The KKK has no such laws or expectations so your analogy is flawed. Don't be a fool. It's not okay to be treated like she was in

It's this very mindset that is the problem. That's like saying "isn't experiencing racism what minorities signed up for when they live in America? I mean, no one deserves to be victimized by racists, but if they don't like it, minorities should move elsewhere." See, it sounds pretty dumb.

How do you ever intend to make any friends with that attitude?

Christian? Hardly. She's a puppet for something far darker. Everything she does has some type of meaning behind it. Watch her videos. There is symbolism everywhere. I bet there is some evil stuff about to go down in that place.

"Shut up, Carl" hahaha