You know the people running this “conspiracies” are rather bad at it because they are not in power. Jesus. Trump wouldn’t be president.
Oh my god he’s even dumber than I expected.
Also worth noting: the founder of Bikers For Trump appeared on Fox News and claimed that anarchist protesters “admitted” to being funded by George Soros.
It’s almost as if projecting their worst characteristics onto their political enemies is the point.
As dumb as it is, I think you’re still overthinking it. Beck and these charlatans know that at this point you just have to say “Soros” and the Pavlovian dissonance kicks in for the Trumpalos.
It just seems the height of male ignorance to think that all those women (and men) who marched LITERALLY all over the world would do so because some old white man told them to.
Funny that all these men who have had their interest bought by corporations, oil, gas, coal, whatever are worried about protestors having their interest bought by Soros.
Even if Soros did kick in some money to some organizers... so? I don’t care if he personally bought a plane ticket for every woman in the march. Just because someone offers you funding doesn’t mean you’re beholden to them in some nefarious way.
Fuck that paparazzi asshole.
I think it’s perfectly fine to be a little cautious, especially when around semi-familiar people. But, I think if you believe going there will, for instance, trigger some alarms, then there’s definitely no shame in skipping out. You need to remember to keep your mind sound. If you still want to get involved, many…
I just took an Ativan following a complete panic attack complete with hyperventilation and carpal paralysis when I remembered about tomorrow. I have a feeling I’m going to get severely addicted to them in the coming years.
Might want to try something like this, too:
This should be the top comment.
It seems like the GOP has completely abandoned the small government/free market side of conservatism and gone whole-hog on the social side.
Staying in power and having access to more power are far more important to politicians on both sides of the aisle than any standards/beliefs/morals/ethics.
He wouldn’t even ask for a reach-around.
Chaffetz has such a hard-on for Trump, it’s embarrassing. I’d put real money down that he’d totally slobber all over Trump’s knob if he asked. It’s that obvious.
So, in other words, despite some token opposition, the GOP is prepared to not just walk down this new, not-conservative-whatsoever path, but sprint down it, with a blindfold on.
I know a lot of people who either identify as republicans and wish they’d focus on small government/free market and get away from social…