I’m 31, and while I’ve always had empathic tendencies from a very early age, the tears thing has hit HARD in then last few years. President Obama presenting Ellen with her medal today? I’m crying as I type it!
I’m 31, and while I’ve always had empathic tendencies from a very early age, the tears thing has hit HARD in then last few years. President Obama presenting Ellen with her medal today? I’m crying as I type it!
Trump didn’t say it first so you needn’t make the association. You never have to admit that you agree with him on anything. You’re welcome.
Me either, but I’ll happily light a candle. At this point, intervention by the Flying Spaghetti Monster would also be gratefully accepted.
Oh man, I hope this doesn’t come across as #notallcryingwhiteladies — but as a perimenopausal woman I cry at EVERYTHING now, including racial justice conversations, and it is horribly embarrassing for everyone. I am really not trying to steal focus but my fucking eyes keep leaking. I literally cried today when someone…
I’m not Catholic, but I’ve basically made this into a Catholic prayer since November 9th. I say it upon waking before bed and every hour in between.
By letting him finish and understanding the overall point. The answer of her question was there if she’s could have listened and not gotten righteous over a word black people know they most likely have been called at some point in their lives. No, it’s not ok that Trump has reprimanded ONE white supremacists group…
I’ve been a subscriber to The Guardian for a few months now and it’s great. I even got sent a very nice tote bag! They do real reporting besides running opinion pieces. Totally worth it.
That is so frigging true. Just because he’s wearing an ill-fitting suit and not a pair of shiny jackboots doesn’t mean he’s not a goddamn Nazi.
To be outraged at the white supremacists, not at the people who are calling out the white supremacists.
CNN’s M.O. is to have a panel of ‘experts’ who discuss what they feel about what was said. Apparently that’s far easier to do than actual reporting and investigation. Those expert’s feelings then become the facts.
Just like the precious folk who could not abide the phrases PUSSY GRABBING, PUSSY GRABBER, GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY being repeated because it is just so ugly, yet stayed aligned with the PUSSY GRABBER HIMSELF, who said the words in the first place..
She probably could have used a trigger warning... except we’re supposed to be against them and mock them... until white supremacist conservatives need them in their safe spaces from political correctness.
Or the racist history of his Cabinet. Or the fact that Neo Nazis are proclaiming his election as a victory. Or etc etc etc
Absolutely. The n-word has a lot more weight and prejudice behind it than pussy does, but it is the same kind of misplaced outrage. It is the ULTIMATE in hypocrisy to defend someone who speaks this way and then to be offended at the person who calls them out on it. Sometimes you have to quote someone IN FULL so…
And once again, CNN proves itself a bastion of mediocrity.
I didnt think I could be more incensed but here we are. Her reaction is the most and extra af but Paris Dennard can stfu with his defense of racism.
And within days it was “genitalia”. That’s when I knew it was over.
Cry when a guest uses the n-word...but never, ever challenge the crap that came out of Trump’s mouth during the campaign and flows like a shit faucet today.
Please god, let the Electoral College have a sudden attack of conscience and save us at the last moment from all this horror.
It sure got everyone’s attention, which I believe was precisely the point.