
WM3 and McMartin.

Probably. Oh boy!

You can still find plenty of that, but on evangelical websites now instead of the television.

Sidebar—I was watching a documentary on Netflix the other day about the real stories behind some urban legends (Killer Legends, check it out) and they did a part about “clown panics” in a few places in the 80s and 90s—I guess it all comes back around?

You can tell folks to stop dressing up like clowns all you want but the more these stories get spread, the more a few bored jerks who want attention will get the idea to go shopping for clown wigs. Sometimes the media really does make things worse.

And for the love of God, don’t ask the White House about these fake clowns.

It looks like she’s hyperventilating and I feel the need to sympathetically hyperventilate or something.

I was pregnant during my friend’s bachelorette party where we went out dancing and were all staying at a cabin nearby. I turned in early but was awoken to the bride shoving a parenting magazine underneath my pillow & running out of the room yelling “I STOLE THIS FOR YOU!” Turns out they were checking all the mailboxes

I “return to sender” mail for my past roommates for 6 months. If they haven’t changed their addresses with everyone/everything meaningful to them by then, it goes in the trash, or in the case it’s a Bed Bath and Beyond 20% off or a BOGO Qdoba coupon, I use it.

Oh no, all the mail from the previous owner of my house goes in the trash. (I tried putting it back in the mailbox with return to sender. I tried calling the post office, explaining this guy no longer lives there. No dice. Keeps happening. So in the trash it goes.)

You monster.

Whoever owned my house before me obviously didn’t change their address like anywhere. I get so much mail for them. So much junk mail. And for so many different names. I honestly sometimes just toss it because screw you previous owner guy!

One time I opened the mail of an ex roommate who had moved and never came to pick up mail because it contained a free sample of chocolate and I am NOT SORRY.

Why can’t these companies just pay the artist for their work fairly?

Pretty much all flat-faced dogs (Boston Terriers, Pugs, French/English Bulldogs, etc) take in lots of extra air when they exercise/eat and that air has to go somewhere. Our dog is lucky that she’s so fucking sweet and adorable because when she farts it smells like a vagrant crawled inside of her to die.

As the proud owner of a Boston Terrier I am outraged that a massive corporation would take advantage of these adorable stinky idiots (and also an independent designer).

wtf is it really that hard to draw tiny dogs? a multi-million dollar conglomerate has to copy, nearly exactly, some indie artist’s tiny dogs? thats like movie screen evil 

As a shelter worker I <3 her infographics. They’re accurate.