
Think of it this way...this is an unusual story, people were punished for harming this girl, and the general consensus of people reading about it is one of disgust. That was not always the case. That is not the case in some parts of the world right now. Things are getting better, but slowly.

When I was in 10th grade, one of my classmates dropped out to get married. I ran into her more than 20 years later. She was divorced, with a few kids of her own. She said she wished someone could’ve talked her out of that nonsense. Her mother had to sign for her to marry that idiot.

When I was in high school, a girl in my freshman gym class was married. Apparently her mother had found out that she was sleeping with some 20something dude the summer before high school started and insisted that they get married or she’d have him arrested. The girl seemed cool with it at the time, and we were all in

We are so overdue for a plague

It makes me First Degree Murdery. My aunt was married to a guy who is still doing time for kiddie porn (he was grooming his daughter in the process as well.) I hate him. I mean I genuinely hate him in that I want him dead. I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire, shit, I’d make s’mores I hate him so. When he finally

The traditional stereotype about the kinds of people who commit child sexual exploitation crimes simply doesn’t dovetail with reality. As our investigators can attest, the defendants in child pornography cases come in all ages and from all walks of life.

“Those who download and possess child pornography create a market that causes more children to be harmed,” U.S. Attorney Eileen M. Decker said in a statement. “Young victims are harmed every time an image is generated, every time it is distributed, and every time it is viewed.”

Aw, my guy looks just like yours (sans summer haircut; it just doesn’t get hot enough here to justify the indignity).

Are you sure you don't have any wild catnip growing near your house? I'll et that's the problem. You need to find where he keeps his stash.

Makes me tired just looking.

What? Nuh-uh! How dare you! Everybody knows dogs rule!

Eating, sleeping, and getting on each other’s nerves. Observe this instance, where both were snoozing peacefully until Olivia could no longer resist pestering Amy. Often this gradually devolves into a little fuzzy fistfight.

My cats don’t do anything like that. But my ducks stand around or float in the kiddie pool squeaking and honking and I think it’s pretty fantastic.

Same same.

My cat plays the tambourine.

My pussy likes to hang out in the bathroom. Useless.

They do this.

Mine is like Jesus. He can take one vole and make several voles out of it—well, non-functional pieces of voles.

The headline loaded before the picture did. So I figured that either it involved some feline acrobatics or a huge vagina mobile that some avant garde artist recently made.

Well, this cat can fly.