“Table” is an odd way to spell “carrion pit”.
“Table” is an odd way to spell “carrion pit”.
I posted probably the 5,000th article highlighting Conservative hypocrisy to my Facebook a few weeks back. Most of the time I get replies from Racist Uncle or Super Conservative friend giving me some “both sides” crap or something about Hillary’s Emails.
I imagine most people who were both directly and indirectly responsible for crippling all three branches of the Federal government might, at some point, in a private moment feel some pang of guilt for what they had done to the country and its institutions they had sworn to protect and uphold.
Trump’s favorite part of playing chess is yelling “King Me!”
you are one of my handful of favorite people here, but man, i wish i had your optimism.
2020 needs to be even more of a “wave” than 2018 for a few reasons:
Pro choice people can keep comforting themselves all they want with this “Oh, they’ll never overturn Roe v. Wade because it would rob the right of an issue they can get their base fired up about” bullshit all they want.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein “concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.”
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
I’m having a lot of Thoughts™ about this, but regardless of the conclusions associated with the Russia-specific investigation, I have difficulty understanding how Trump can
So... the report is a political Rorschach test, and everyone will see exactly what they want to see in it. Who was really expecting any different?
in a sense there’s little here that surprises me beyond the indeterminate nature of the actual findings (I know proof positive is a high bar & all but we all see & hear how this administration behaves & we’ve known it about the toddler-in-chief for decades) but in terms of a thank-fuck-I-found-a-way-to-say-not-guilty…
I mostly agree, but Trump has pissed off a lot of people. He barely won against hillary. A lot of people arent trump fans anymore. Hes gonna have to hope that the republicans dont have a good option for a replacement as the republican nominee, but i cant imagine that the people that just leaned towards trump because…
Please, do not shit on Mueller. he has done his job and we should respect his findings. And the thing is, we haven’t yet seen HIS findings. This is Barr’s summary. The fight goes on.
Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger