
Yup. I’m surprised Splinter hasn’t reported on the lunacy going on in Oregon right now....a bunch of GOP senators walked out on a vote on climate change related cap and trade so that there wouldn’t be a quorum. The governor has some state police out looking for them to get their butts back to work. They’ve holed up in

Racist Border Militia Man is like the most redundant phrase I’ve read all day.

It’s almost as if, and hear me out on this one, almost as if everyone on the right is a con artist. Crazy, I know.

You’re giving Donnie way too much credit. If I brought you out on a boat into shark-infested waters, threw chum all around, tazed you and blindfolded you and threw you overboard...I don’t get to claim that I saved your life by reeling you back in.

This will not end well. Mango Furious should listen to VIzzini:

What’s particularly odd is that cap-and-trade is among the least expensive and least offensive force of climate mitigation practices. I used to be against it, because i thought it was pointless, but it serves a crucial purpose — getting everybody to understand that dumping CO2 into our air isn’t free. It has costs.

Hence my use of “any kind of immigration”. Trump is not crazy about legal immigrants if they’re from what he views as “sh*t-hole” countries.

I wonder how Trump would have handled...

The delusional spin in this comment is real, and unhelpful to the letter writer’s depression. 

Children have died in cages because of him. That’s bad enough that I dont have to list the litany of real harms he's caused. Just because you’re privileged enough to be isolated from the worst of it doesn’t mean his tweets are the worst.

Oh man. #1, we have to talk. I’m going to be more direct than the author - the chances the person you’re describing even exists is virtually zero, and the chances that they will want to be with you are absolutely zero.

Desperately Seeking Freya used the move “Find a perfect girlfriend”

That question could not have been more overloaded with cringe if his dating requirements were for a “big tittied goth girl.”  That was hard to read.

Can’t see why letter writer No.1 is so alone with such charming views as “everyone else is beneath me” and “I’m not shallow, oh but they must be all these physical attributes”.

Also, proud South Carolinian here. All them old backwards racists are dying off and we will be a majority blue state. For the first time, I do hear people in our area saying, This is not what SC is any longer. We are done following the Republicans blindly. This is our children's lives we're talking about. Mr. Harrison

Go on head, Jaime. Send ole Confederate dandy back home.

My latest fave is how the Republican Bullshit Machine is now in Michelle Bachman-Turner overdrive disseminating a doctored video of Nancy Pelosi speaking. It is a 7-second video slowed down to last 11 seconds, so that Pelosi sounds like she’s slurring her speech.