In response to whoever inevitably complains that they still haven’t seen a box they won’t be able to buy until November: have some perspective. The PS5 simply is not the most important thing in the world right now.
it’s all ogre now, Jill.
The Chimera Squad, then, is a group tasked with upholding this “delicate interspecies alliance.”
He’s doing a barrel roll in a better place.
Judging by how easily he said that word in the clip, it seems like that's definitely not the first time he's used it.
As for it being “super illegal” to run a Cannonball... Last time I checked, this was a car enthusiast blog
“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by…
the “no shit this was going to happen” award goes to Sony for not stopping this from the start
Oh god Schreier’s powers have grown... Dissatisfied with merely canceling games he can now cancel stores! GameStop! What will we do! Wait actually this one’s OK carry on..
Because people are scared if the exclusives dry up then they lose a bragging point over owners of other consoles.
I mean I speculated that this is exactly what they’d do. Release the games on PS4/PS5 first, and then a year or so later release a PC version. Sells their consoles first and foremost then cashes in on extra PC sales.
The microtransactions in this game will be absurd.
Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.