
Probably the wrong post to make a comment like this, dude. This is bad. Nobody gives a shit about your food content right now.

Developers, take note! If your zombie game features zombie boxers that do not in fact box, then ya don messed up, son!

I am learning that there is a pop idol group made up of porn stars and bikini models for the first time ever.

That Decima Engine is really good. Sometimes I think about if BioWare had a chance to use that instead of Frostbite and then Mad World plays and I have to go have a lie down.

RIP exclusives

trust me, if it ever happens the headline would lead with the words “holy shit”

Damn it I saw the picture for the article and thought they announced a new Dark Forces game. Now I’m sad. 

remember kids, never drive beyond your vision

I damn near spit my old fashioned out my nose as I got this error when clicking on the notification for your comment:

“Oh look, here comes a new update!"

It’s been a while

Yeah, I’m ribbing a multi-billion-dollar publisher for being misleading in its PR. If you don’t like that, there are plenty of more PR-friendly reporters and websites out there to follow!

I like to think that one of the cool things about Kotaku is that you can come here for more information than you’ll get from a publisher’s press release. This is a good example of that. It’s not necessarily controversial or explosive info — it’s just context that you won’t find anywhere else.

I wont go to the theater and see it but i'll definitely get stoned at home and take a look at it.

Ryan Reynolds found the cheat to God mode, it seems.

The voice of the internet: “I don’t want to buy VR set as there are no games yet”

Serious reply: it’s more than that, though that’s probably a part of it. I know high-functioning people who admit they lack empathy but manage to act decently towards others.

Dont give it to much attention, if your famous, for whatever reason,  you will get threats. This is nothing exclusive to our internet age. Mentally unstable persons are nothing new under the sun.