Coudn’t have said it better myself. On one hand I love to be identified as a gamer, and on the other I am incredibly embarrassed.
Insecurity, self-esteem issues, sexist attitudes, and entitlement of stellar proportions.
Guess it’s just another one of those days that I’m embarrassed of the culture surrounding my primary hobby. What is wrong with people?
Thankfully, this isn’t an organizational problem, as the Mariners have had a Fall restraint plan in place since 2001.
the team believes the complaint originated from “a disgruntled season ticket holder that dislikes our creative director.”
I mean without Link having the ability to fucking turn back time whenever he wants, the mask did throw a goddamn moon into the planet. That’s pretty fucking powerful. Ganondorf had 7 years with the triforce of power in OoT and he couldn’t even take out more than Castle Town. In WW he sits up in his singular tower…
This is fucking awesome.
NBA officiating conjures up the type of anarchy usually reserved for G8 summits and $1 beer tractor pulls. Â
You’re right. Originally with Sacha Baron Cohen as Holmes and Ferrell as Watson. He had 10 years to prepare that goddamn accent.
Nah, you’ve got them confused with this unicorn:
Wow. He Boshed the shit outta that guy.Â
They are called adults who have an interest. Let people enjoy the things they like and go about your business.Â
The craziest part of the fascination with Nathan Peterman is that it almost entirely has to do with the fact that old men in the NFL are still enamored by QBs who play under center, even as college teams and coaches show them that you don’t need some mythical drop back passer to have a successful offense, and in fact…
Don’t worry, I bet VW’s apology will include a free oil change.
I think this car was supposed to go to the emissions test people
I really don’t know why there was a need for this film.