The last one I saw is even older than that. It was Scoop, Allen’s worst film IMHO.
The last one I saw is even older than that. It was Scoop, Allen’s worst film IMHO.
In the mid-80s I was student teaching at a high school in New Jersey and Geraldo came over to do a story about the school (it was a prayer-in-school issue, don’t ask). Even back then the teachers were mumbling to each other about keeping him supervised when he was around the students. His repuation as a creep is long…
I still don’t get why people are acting like Lauer’s firing comes as some sort of a shock. The only shock is that he was allowed to do this shit for as long as he did. The man is a true piece of shit in every way, and perhaps the hackiest non-Fox News anchor around.
They did mention the bond villain desk... Or was that tidbit inserted after you made your comment? You never know with the fluidity of Internet journalism.
Also: all of those fedoras. And Ann Curry.
Ajit Pai is a fuckboy.
That just makes her Chloe IRL which is good
I rewatched Don’t Trust the B recently and I was struck by Ritter’s absolute genius for comic timing. I like JJ all right but why is she not staring in every other comedy film released is beyond me. She appears to be a great talent. Good for her.
Geena Davis is an Olympic-level archer.
Prediction - Yes, this story demonstrates how Veritas tells crazy lies to further their narrative. It also shows that WaPo (like NYT, etc) uphold standards of ethics and evidence. But it won’t budge the millions of people who trust crazy liars over fact-based journalism.
“Also, a Post reporter found a GoFundMe page for someone named Jaime Phillips who needed money so she could move to New York and “work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt [sic] of the liberal MSM.”
“I have a great idea: Let’s try to fool a bunch of people whose job is to detect bullshit.”
Dude! That’s too deep for me.
No, we wouldn’t. And if you don’t like the articles, feel free to not be here anymore.
I never understood how someone thought it would be a good idea to make a show that sounds like some glorified version of dipshits on Reddit blaming innocent people for the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Glorious Celebration of Patriotic Solstice Festival! With singing (in praise of Dear Leader)! And gift giving! (As long as those gifts are useful, like agricultural tools, and not decadent products of Capitalist running dogs, like chocolate or digital watches)
Just gotta get through this, Melania, she thinks as she walks through the whispering wood. Just gotta get through this.
Why can’t she do us all a favor and cheat on him publicly with Kaepernick?
What a weird teaser for Westworld season 2.