
That said, I’m perfectly happy they got to try some weird stuff...

A 6/10 review isn’t harsh. It’s positive, even! My broader issue with review scores is that there tends to be nothing between a 5 and a 9 on a 10-point scale. Games that are actually just Pretty Good get a bunch of 9s and 10s, and it makes any *reasonably metered* score look insane.

Its less of an issue since you can “repair” weapons through fusion, but yeah, really tired of this mechanic in general.

Yes! That’s one of the things I really liked about it, it really was not afraid to go weird. And yet it all still felt “Star Wars”. There were hints of the same kind of thing in Clone Wars when Anakin and Obi-Wan find themselves on that weird force planet with the dark/light forcebeing siblings, and I was hoping we’d

Easily in my top 3 favorite SW moments ever

Twilight of the Apprentice never ceases to bring me to tears. 

I wonder whether this could benefit from an Ahsoka themed Machete order. Watch season 1 of rebels, as the best intro to the animated Star Wars saga, then when Ahsoka is introduced, go back and watch the final three or so seasons of clone wars. Or at least a few of the key Ahsoka arcs leading up to the finale. Something

For the life of me I will never understand this hatred in the Star Wars fandom of children characters that act like... actual children. From Ahsoka to Anakin to Ezra to Omega and even you people even like adolescents, even remotely?

I do understand this feeling, and that it can be frustrating to feel like you have to complete a checklist just to watch one thing you might be interested in, but on the flip-side of that...Rebels is absolutely top-tier Star Wars that is well worth your time. It has its kiddier moments, sure, but then so do the films.

The first couple of seasons really didn’t bother me, but part of that might have been because I’d just come straight off Clone Wars, and that really was some rough going at the start. Plus I blitzed the whole show in about three weeks, so if there was a weaker episode it wasn’t like I was waiting for the next one.

Have you thought much about how that’s intentional? 

Yeah that’s where I’m at. If I’m a jedi, let me feel like it. Instead the controls and whatever just feel like some of those other games with regular HUMANS lumbering around. Are we that starved for decent games that this rockets up the list? Does it get bonus points for telling a good story? 

As someone who likes a lot JRPGs and other weird stuff, I know the Playstation/Nintendo is probably going to get what I like first, and Xbox may not get it at all. Their inability to make inroads in Japan has really kind of hobbled their offerings. 

A modern GPU costs more than a console, so it doesn’t really matter to a console consumer if 2018's God of War is on PC - especially when the ports they’ve put out have had performance issues. They also haven’t brought over any more recent Playstation exclusives yet to PC. It’ll likely be a few more years at least

the writers found a clever way to subvert it, with a conflict that doesn’t need to have galaxy-shattering ramifications to feel crucial for both the characters and the player.

I cut boot leather out of my diet.

There’s a world where rendering something like this through the most gut-churningly familiar lens possible is a powerful creative choice and not just an aesthetic flex and shock value. Based on what they’ve said so far. it doesn’t sound like these dudes are anywhere close to the people to be achieving the former,

Lucas openly acknowledged that Obi Wan’s “certain point of view” bullshit was a desperate attempt to cover that when the first film was written, his idea really was that Vader was just a guy who killed Luke’s father, and he just really lucked out that Alec Guiness decided on his own to play the scene in a way that

And let’s, for argument’s sake, say that Disney decided to really go for it and deep fake Alec Guiness talking to Rosario Dawson while Force Ghosts Liam Neeson and Samuel L. Jackson are in the background, or shoehorn her wandering around Alderaan or Tatooine, keeping an eye on de-aged Hamill or deep-faked, de-aged

People had their complaints for this season but through it all I found it a great fun, Star Wars filled Wednesday distraction so Id say mission accomplished.

Sidenote: there was a scene where Axe Woves missles out a window and flies out of the Cap ship before it crashes