
I dont like the CoD franchise but Moder Warfare is one of the best FPS out there, that mission is indeed GOLD.

I've seen substitutes go much further. Kirk Cousins actually fucked his team.

Urntt! Wrong answer: We were looking for police brutality and violation of civil rights. Try again.

Thank you for outing yourself as a piece of garbage, the rest of us appreciate the excuse to ignore anything you ever say again.

This assumes that they're not the ones constantly emailing people to say "he's not MY president!"

Considering the guy is being filmed shouting at black people with a mob chanting "Africa!" I'm going to assume the racism card before I assume the defender of the constitution card.

They're saying that killing an unarmed black kid is nothing to feel bad about.

Also, no mention of "Rappers say the n-word so why can't we?" or "Stop abusing welfare/food stamps".

Because, despite what these Cardinals fans will tell you, not everything is black and white.

And oddly enough, none of them appeared to have brought their black friend to the game

Automatic assumption that black people don't have jobs. Check

Alternatively, it's saying "I'm a white person ignorant of racism and rather than face the problems and try to solve it, I insist on perpetuating the problem and acting indignant when someone points out racism."

You don't understand it because you are sane.

it's pretty great that they're self - iding though. Like thanks for telling us you would murder black people if you get the chance. Note to self: steeeeeer clear.

Because they are racists.

St. Louis has many people with identical views to the Founding Fathers of this Great Nation!

Saying "I am Darren Wilson" is essentially saying "I am a piece of shit cop who shot and murdered an unarmed black kid." Why are people saying this with pride? I don't understand.

Those Cardinals fans love dominant pitching, but will gladly settle for three Ks.

As they say, Cardinals fans are the classists in baseball.