
Playing the game the Reich way.

In defense of the guy in the "Darren Wilson" jersey, he comes from a long line of assholes who murdered young black men.

One thing is for certain here: this sort of ugliness would never happen in Los Angeles. I mean, can you imagine anyone trying to stick up for the LAPD?

When it comes to vile, bigotry-laced protests based on racial inequality in the United States, act like you've been there before.

Sorry, don't have time to watch a 25 minute video.

Well, they did have a grand Wizard at shortstop

These Cardinal's fans are doing things the white way.

Best Klans In Baseball

Which begs the question: Why didn't doves fly out of anything?

Which they will reacquire with the revenue made through the awesome youtube vid.

b-but... they broke so much stuff!

Well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific

So when is Roger Goodell getting released?

As a black person, I dont speak for all black people, we are not monolithic, But reading this email, I dont think its racist, its just a business man trying to figure out why his shit is fucked up. Hes speaking frankly, and probably factually on alot of his points, Hes basically saying mix this shit up, black and

This is completely false. He still has Florio.

See what I mean? Commenting going to shit. No mention at all of how far can I punt a football. F minus.

To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.