
it was not good, glad you enjoyed it though. And those two things can fully be mutually exclusive. That is, enjoyment =/= good. I enjoyed Man of Steel, it was not good.

Counter, counterpoint- Zack is 1.5 for how many? W/Dawn being the only “good” one. Yet he keeps getting chances....

Melee with claws and metal bones, increased strength and agility, heightened senses with hearing and smell. It’s a brawler, where he’s a light tank, athletic, not like Peter but say the difference between a WR and a LB right? It’s about attacking and getting to as close range as possible. I think within this, you

No you did miss something. Peggy got the Tesseract, it’s what powered the Hydra Smasher. It’s the point of the train sequence, which is where the Red Skull captured the Smasher along with Tesseract that powered it.

Guardians of the Multiverse is going to be the end point I think. 

yup, read it the same way too. Seemed pretty obvious so I was confused when I read it here

As others have pointed out they didn’t cheat, Carter and them had the real Tesseract, it powered the suit. The train sequence was the Red Skull getting it back.

And yet, you tried to dunk on me and double down on the point you were trying to make through a bad joke, and now seemingly worked up. Good stuff there y’all 

No, as in no to life being a meritocracy and that luck plays a large roll in surviving and even more so when talking about thriving, at every level. Hard to survive =/= meritocracy. Additionally, the idea somehow pointing at sperm as the “tell” about “life” is myopic at best. 


just saying, they planted the concept. The rest of what you have to say is onto something different that that, cus the concept was planted. All I’m saying. 

You mean like how Rex said he’s come across some clones who have been able to resist it, passingly, when they first ran across him?

look again at the letters, that is not the Stark tower per se. It also gives us a hint of the “big bad”

They are not, quite different shows- outside of time, and time travel, and an agency to protect the timeline (I mean, the TVA is from Marvel comics, so....). But those similarities are all superficial, and the similarities end at those broad descriptors. 

the real story isn’t laying the groundwork for MVM but Secret Wars, and seeing how they’ve operated before taking the skeleton for the 2015 Hickman run...

The exact reason why this is an important topic to cover, the VPB specifically, and if any other organizations are like it, is because people that were police, law makers, judges, etc. along with CEOs, took and take part in it.

yeah, that’s a good article that takes a well thought, nuanced approach to this all. I think I read that years ago, thanks for bringing it here.

...these people complaining about this and calling it racist are putting their real-world political views into the show without context or rationality.”

These comments here, woof, so many of y’all are reactionary as hell. It’s comical if it wasn’t so sad. There’s some valid points, esp about Caleb, even the clones. There’s also valid points the other way, really only about the clones (as Caleb has been established in cannon as not white). and yes, IRL, skin-tones

ah yes, the “everyone else but me are pushing their political views onto the show, and in doing so are the real racists- I, alone, am logical and rational making me correct” argument. Such a vapid argument.