Shadow the Hedgebanned

The decision to vote either Trump or Clinton is not a simple difference of opinion. The man is openly hostile towards women, immigrants, people of color, and, to a lesser extent, LGBT folks (although Pence more than makes up for it on that front). And this doesn’t even take into account how erratic and capricious he

I took it seriously.

These are a bunch of scared old white men who horde guns to protect themselves from blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. There won’t be a violent uprising because that means they’d have to go outside where there could be blacks, Muslims and Mexicans.

I’m sure they’ll declare it over and over again on message boards far and wide. And then they won’t do anything in the real world.

Hey buddy. I don’t read Deadspin for your political HOT TAEKS. I come to Deadspin for Pad Thai recipes. Also I’m making a roast today. Any good tips you can share with me?

Drew just opened himself up to a slew of hate concerning his physical appearance from Trump and his supporters.

Can’t wait for the 4 year rally cry of “TRUMP GOT MORE ELECTORAL VOTES THAN ROMNEY” and them tearing their party apart from the inside because of it.

This is *not* going to go over well at the Billionaires Club holiday brunch.

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

why don’t some of the employees that won millions help chip in?

Could be they were more viable without legs, or simply no less viable. DNA is selfish, but not intelligent.

It’s a shame George O’Leary isn’t at UCF anymore. No one appreciated made up accolades like him.