
they probably aren't in situations/talking to people where they are going to see or hear about people like Angela Davis and Alice Walker.

The problem is that we learn about bell hooks in college and then assume that people who are "less educated" than ourselves cannot understand her, aren't interested in her work, and can only dig on Oprah. So then, in a fit of schizophrenia, we erase that which is classist about Oprah? I'm really not following the

if we don't have Oprah who do we have?

This person who dares to speak of class in a class-blind society. Nothing I said was untrue, especially the fact that people can talk about race, gender, sexuality all day long but the second that a person brings up class, they are made a pariah because we simply cannot even acknowledge that classism exists and that

None of the things you posted negate the fact that her wealth also contributes to class oppression. Especially in the developing world. I would argue that the rich attempt to buy their salvation and this is highly problematic, but I doubt I could even get anybody to acknowledge that classism exists at this point, much

No, I hate the message I perceive the gif being used to convey: "I'm going to step away from this discussion because class makes me uncomfortable."

Yep, that gif depicts how Americans respond to discussions of class. We can talk race, gender, sexuality all day long, but anybody dares mention inequality in regards to class and we seize up.

Yeah, great. That's basically a gif that depicts the vast majority of people in the West when class and capital come up in a conversation. And we wonder why things are only getting worse, not better. But, whatever, OPRAH!

Yeah, great. That's basically a gif that depicts the vast majority of people in the West when class and capital come up in a conversation. And we wonder why things are only getting worse, not better. But, whatever, OPRAH!

There are plenty of quality role models if we shift our criteria away from people who have more money than 99.999% of all human beings. bell hooks is a million times the role model that Oprah is but she doesn't promote toxic celebrity culture, shill for products made in sweatshops, and hasn't collected obscene amounts

Only in a country where consumerism is God do we point to a person of color and applaud them simply for collecting a bunch of capital.

Only in a country where consumerism is God do we point to a person of color and applaud them simply for collecting a bunch of capital.

There has to be something more than just representation, there has to be representation of people that young women of color should strive to be and in many ways I don't think Oprah is such a person.

You mean vintage books, right? I guess you could collect vintage literature in your mind, but literature isn't really an object.

We're talking about Gawker's writing staff, aren't we?

One, there's no evidence that she shot this all in one day. Two, there's post-production to take into account. Three, I'm so perplexed by how concerned you are about the money other people spent on this series. Until I hear the people who actually paid into this becoming upset, I'm just going to upset that your

There are tasteful ways to talk about the looming anniversary of the JFK assassination, and then there's the New York Post's ways

You too can wear your ironic, but not really ironic, social capital!

It can't. The contract isn't defining opinion as libel because the contract can't define opinion as libel since a contract can't define a law. Also, this contract is extremely unlikely to be upheld by any civil court in the US.

Yeah, that won't hold up in court.