Jacob Hill

That being said of course, I’m gonna start being wary of all of the Brick Red Fusions in town. Of course, if I ever crossed this man, he’d not be able to block or disable the Expedition, unless, of course, he chases me down a particularly curvy road.

This is quite Clearly South Florida. Specifically the Broward area. I can tell because I saw one of our “Hey, you should probably get checked for AIDS because it really sucks!” buses.

Fixed it:

As someone who was 9 when this movie came out, I think so. This has peaked my interest, and I think it’s going to be a step in a more adult direction for Pixar.

Transformers, but with Optimus Prime dying!

Jason Torchinsky sends in his application for The Onion Autos.

I totally forgot about that suicide scene until I rewatched it a while back. Yeah...pretty dark for a movie about a living car, right? It was a good movie though.

Umm...Do you wanna tell us more about that whole “Blood Printer” thing. We at the FB-I mean, HP Company, have a few, very important questions.

“The People who designed Aluminum Man, like, do they even have a Science Education?”

Eddie: Listen to the new sound system! *Randomly Screams in Pain*

Anyone else notice that the Yugo ad was narrated by Peter Cullen? Y’know, Optimus Prime Peter Cullen. Basically, Optimus Prime says buy a Yugo or suffer the consequences.

Judge Glasscock has balls of Steel.

Just read the context of the Jesus-breath verse. It refers to those who claim they know when Jesus is coming back. It has nothing to do with a man fixing cars.

I don’t know why, but “WE’RE GONNA WATCH SOMEONE GET MURRDERRED!!!” made me crack up.

I see the East Coast version of Star Wars Land is coming along better than expected.

I’ve got a copy on the shelf. Can’t figure out how to install it though.

But where does a self driving car go if it doesn’t have a driver? What will it do? Will it see the world?

Couldn’t be. Roofline’s too low. Foresters have ungodly high rooflines.

Forget what I said before, I zoomed in on the picture, definitely saw an 01-07 Highlander.

Looks like a Mountaineer to me.