
Thumbs into the eyes works too - I blinded my attempted rapist 20 years ago when I was just 19 - he was focused only on pinning my body and forgot about my hands .. I didn’t make the mistake of trying to punch him in the head because that would’ve forced him to protect his head.. first thing I did without hesitation

That hasn’t been my experience at all — in fact, Subaru has multiple commercials starring dogs.

I actually got all warm-n-fuzzy about Subi because they had a booth at NAIAS specifically for adopting dogs from the Humane Society.

This is so much bullshit.

Despite the fact that our military is all-volunteer, there aren’t enough people to fill recruitment quotas/needs—and there goddamned sure aren’t enough qualified people to fill the skilled roles the military needs in order to operate efficiently.

I learned many things from growing up in a

I would run and call Animal Control while running, probably.

Get the Mega Sg if you’re “interested”.

Poor tackle that causes a minor concussion? “Fuck the NFL!!!”

black licorice is the best and only worth while licorice, black jack gum is my gum of choice and I will not apologize.  

“If we’re honest with ourselves, we’re not there right now.”

My guess is because its player base is down 40%. :p

I KNEW this was going to be expensive. But, GOOD LORD MAN! Have they no shame?

I KNEW this was going to be expensive. But, GOOD LORD MAN! Have they no shame?

Don’t worry.  I have a feeling most of those deposits are from flippers looking to make a quick buck.

Please don’t use this stuff without PPE - a respirator (cartridge type), safety glasses, gloves, sleeves, and pants.

Paint Stripper you need to use gloves and a Respirator. Your brain will thank me.

Hudson Hawk is a criminally underrated movie. ‘Bunny! Ball-ball!’

I care lol! As soon as I read your comment my mind went straight to wondering about the kind of knife. I’ve never owned a Spyderco knife, but I do have their “tri-angle sharpmaker” and really really like it. I blame my Dad, he firmly indoctrinated me into Benchmade, which I guess I cant complain!

How much wrench time did you lose to trouble shooting your $600 heap? If you had just one reliable car, maybe youd spend less time dicking around and finish some of the rest of your projects.

Its so weird that you have electrical issues after all of your “ingenuitive” electrical repairs. ;)

this picture summarizes why i have never offered to help with others electrical projects...

I wish people would drop the charade of calling this thing a “Toyota” or a “Supra.” It’s an ugly Z4 coupe. 

I generally like people