
Is there any other wheel than a set of 'nabes for the 8-6?

I had a '94 coupe. Selling that car has to be one of the biggest regrets of my life.

Why are you acting like Dark Souls was the first of it’s kind when there was Demon’s Soul's?

Its a logger and tracker. Has a cel number identifier.

I kick myself for selling my ‘94 NSX. All the cars and bikes I've sold and it's my only regret.

If it has the standard black remotes with rubber buttons of that era, pop it open and make sure the metal battery contact/holder didn't come desoldered. I fixed a lot of them for people when i was doing other work on their cars.

$400k and they can't get the brakes serviced

Almost $80k for a shit box truck with a dash that will fall apart if you look at it the wrong way?

Because shit comes around. This look was in style in the 90's. Remember the two tone Geo tracker wheels?

They honor the price as long as you agree to any additional markups. True car is a joke. 

Around that time I was working at a truck accessories shop and had the chance to drive an SRT10 home as I knew the customer somewhat. When I first headed out I decided to goose it when I shifted into second. Scared the t-total shit out of me and I drove it 5 under the rest of the way home...

Empty it out. That's more space and cheaper than a work shed.

My Pet Monster > Popple

Did the same. I spent a few weeks trying to trade my ‘14 tundra in on a new CR-V or Tuscon. Every single dealer around was shady as fuck. Either 5k in bullshit add-ons or they low balled the shit out of me on my truck. The last one offered me 24k and I basically told him to get fucked.

Fuck you and your clickbait headline.Go look at the photos of the dog and say again that “maybe she should return it.”

Is the video there to convince us NOT to mess with it? If so it definitely worked because there’s no way I’d be able to enjoy a game that was stuttering that bad.

mapped to any button on the SAME SIDE. you cant map any of the a/b/x/y to the left button. you also have to re-enable turbo every time you turn the switch on.

mapped to any button on the SAME SIDE. you cant map any of the a/b/x/y to the left button. you also have to

Shake it Baby! Let’s Rock!

correct. its just a background check.

you have to have a georgia weapons license to carry a handgun in georgia whether its concealed or open.