
jokes on them, I don't have anything to steal.

yay, more of the same!

“¡Bienvenido al Ammo Bandito!”

Or even bother to clean the air filter.

So this is yet another survival/pvp sim that are made by the dozens on steam.Way to take my favorite franchise and shit all over it guys. Good thing I just took up WoW again after a six year hiatus.

just add parts

that thin "brace" is the way to skirt the laws around paying the $200 tax for having a short barreled rifle. by definition it's a pistol but you know full well otherwise.

i see just enough of that red car on the right to be sad. I shouldn't have sold mine.

nope. they never post links to anything unless they get $$ for the click.

People can shun violence all they want, but sometimes folks just need a good old ass whoopin'.

Blitzwing wasn't a seeker, he was a triple-changer.

they lost me at the challenge tokens. backpacks were easy. hideouts were fine, even with the added “do this” bonuses. the science stationd, no sweat.


that car was an abomination.

im sorry, but do people actually ask you to take your shirt off? is this a story I missed?

yep. the only reason i rented it was the cast after watching zazie steal deadpool 2.

yeah, i grabbed my phone about half way through and started playing fallout shelter.

it’s crazy how big they get. i used to play with a baby tiger at the wildlife sanctuary my grandmother worked for and when i went back some years later it’s head was 3 times bigger than the cub was.

there is a latch right next to the seat with a big ass red symbol on it.

Yup. i know a guy that just went to court and lost his permit over brandishing.