please tell me that Purolator filter was the one you took off and replaced with a plain old Honda filter?
please tell me that Purolator filter was the one you took off and replaced with a plain old Honda filter?
so get it tinted. there are clear films that still block solar energy and uv.
s it’s a “Toyota” with a BMW powertrain and electrical/CAN?
timing chain tensioner. check the motor mounts and transmission mounts because they separate. make sure there aren’t some crappy plugs in it.
holy hell they’re just kids. if they actually did something wrong(which they did not) tell their parents and leave the cops out of it.
npe. it's the satellite quality. from factory to $5k systems it sounds like a boom box from the 80's at the end of a hallway.
SMB2(US). yes I know it isn’t a “real” Mario game.
well put.
This isn’t new. The EG civics didn’t have them way back then either unless you wanted to buy one from Japan.
Thats called a transmission tunnel.
What I see now ate idiots that ride around with colored tow hooks sticking out of their bumpers.
Yrah I’d be willing to bet $$ the motor mounts are shot. My wife opted for urethane when we swapped in her F22.
I check Craigslist at random hoping to find an FC coupe that isn’t molested to hell and back. The only clean FC’s tend to be the verts.
those are stock ‘07ish chevy 20" wheels. my boss has ‘em on his avalanche.
you’re giving them too much credit. these fuckers were drinking natural light.
They can’t. It’s against their religion.
No 5x114.3 for the 16 either.
Yhe problem with blighttown and lost izalith is that it’s all one damn color and you can’t see shit. Not framerates.