
and here i was wondering where all the free estus was coming from...

i am doing the same but with DS1. i never finished 1 or 2, but beat 3 through NG+. it's maddening how long it takes to even get up after being knocked down.

pssst-hey mike-

i was going to guess “stick his sword in something”.

i really wanted a fleshlight until the wife declared the dishwasher a no go. i don’t mind using it, just don’t wanna clean it...

yeah fuck the resellers.

they are $20 at my local wally world. just download the app, type in wemo and change stores ‘til you find em.

they are $20 at my local wally world. just download the app, type in wemo and change stores ‘til you find em.

i remember the nintendo M82 display at sears in the southlake mall. i want one sooo bad.

fortunately you can replace the ugly acura with the honda H from the non-us variant.

someone accidentally left part of their civilian clothes on under their alexstrasza outfit.


i know i already couldn’t.

still can’t play online on xbox one so i guess i’m safe huh?

dammit fahey. i just redownloaded abyss and davey jones thanks to you.

why when it’s super easy to be an anonymous asshole these days. none of these idiots would do this face to face because they'd get their teeth pushed in.

sadly i have two of these given to me as gifts.

well, at least you can actually play online unlike a large number of xbox one folks. the only way i can get it to work is spending 10 minutes or more trying a hack workaround involving downloading a game in the background and continually restarting the game until it works.

yes. the other replies are looking at a different piece.

you say eggs, but i see puréed peeps.