This is FFVI. AKA the best Final Fantasy.
This is FFVI. AKA the best Final Fantasy.
That pissed me off SO MUCH. I wanted to love/hate the Org13, but I didn’t have a DS at the time, and they get basically no real development; all their screen time is focused on “MUH KINGDOM HARTS” and “IF I ONLY HAD A HEART”. Then, by the time I did get around to playing Days, everybody but Roxas, Axel, and Xion gets…
I love the series in general, but the writing is bad. KH2 turned me off big time, but the game that should have been KH2, 358/2 Days brought me back with its really great story and the details desperately needed to understand wtf was happening in 2.
Likely the Jerk Mean Time bit.
Counterpoint: If you’re using your horn to let someone behind the wheel of a goddamn car know “it’s time to stop reading that text,” they deserve to have their eardrums blown out of their ears, full stop.
Except in cases where you’re required to by an HOA, care about your property values, or care about your relationship with your neighbors.
This is fucking stupid.
Don’t follow softball...but I know who I am rooting for.
I’ve played so much of OFDP and i still love it. I got friends into it and they got their friends into it. That game’s a blast.
I’d like to agree with you that she got what she deserves, but she appears to have made it out of the building as a billionaire with the power to ruin a generation of schoolchildren.
PTO allows conceptual - if not always legal, but in some places probably yes, legal - fungibility between vacation days and sick days.
Nothing but an “influencer”, this newly made up role in society to push products based on social media views/popularity. IMO this is a perfect example of the uselessness of Kushner or any of them in this administration for that matter. Absolutely zero experience in the actual workings of the roles they’ve been…
it got 5.4 stars out of a possible 5 stars in its crash tests
Engines that clean make me wonder what they’re hiding.
Maybe if Reigns had accepted the $800 to give up his seat in the WWE it wouldn’t have come to this.
I will. Don’t spit fire and act like an ass if you can’t fucking take it.
This gen of Optima is the Kia that really made me take notice of what Kia and Hyundai are up to these days. Never thought I’d say it, but damn do I really like what Kia are doing with their lineup. I’d be perfectly happy with an Optima SX or SX-L. Sounds like a good deal you got there.
Let’s not forget how GWB always spoke out against Islamophobia even though many Muslim Americans didn’t trust him. He kept emphasizing that it was un-American to look down at Muslims and he celebrated freedom of religion as 100% American. All that is gone now with Trump Shitstain.
You spend money on Fire Emblem Heroes? :/
Deadpool vibe.