
A Cadillac badge is still not worth the premium over the Volt.

I just fucking knew this chick was a military wife. Look at that hair...does that hair not scream, "military wife?"

The Cadillac dealership didn’t need anything from me except a copy of the driver’s license to drive a brand-new 2014 CTS. Volkswagen needing a credit check is outrageous.

True Detective Season 2: Crackdown.

Edit - I could have swore there was only a picture there. But I can’t prove that, so I guess I’m just dumb.

I’d much rather they ruin a Mitsu than a Subie with that awful purple paint...

The profile shot makes it look like a Genesis Coupe.

They are both fairly good examples of 'low fantasy'. I think it should be included.

My dislike feels validated. Thank you Honest Trailers.

I generally think most Audis look boring and super uninspired. But this...this is goddamn art.

Probably the one that says 570 S on the bumper.

Is this a realistic alternative to an Ecoboost Ford?

So a guy is pissy because he didn't get an interview with a guy who didn't want to draw attention away from the reason everyone was on the floor in the first place?

Agreed. While the story was kind of lame, those smoke effects are gorram gorgeous.

Since, apparently, I would be one of the idiots you are talking about: How exactly would I get from Austin to El Paso without running out of battery, in a single day? That is more than possible with a petrol engine because gas stations exist.

Really? That is generally where I find the most hummers.

Hearing Hugh Jacked-man talk about how he is friends with Ryan Reynolds gives me hope that maybe, someday, an X-Force movie could happen.

"Sorry, my personal butler had the night off and couldn't read me my nightly correspondence. I'm sure it was riveting. When he returns, I'll have him draft a response saying something to the effect of, "Sit on a stick and spin." "

If Beta Ray Bill isn't in Ragnarok, I'm going to be so pissed...

Nope, they don't let anyone audit the software. For whatever reason, they think they can make something more secure than everyone else can.