
its making me consider buying it if thats anything at least until star citizen gets its mercenary contracts in.

their just events, they literally just throw you into the main menu and all you can do is click play to search for a game, not sort of exposition or set up like with overwatch where we get the trailer shown detailing the world. This is honestly like saying flappy bird has better story set up because something happened

i gag everytime im in the bathroom at work and i see a customer just leave after shitting or pissing and not washing their hands.

all of elites ships remind me of lady bugs or beetles for some odd reason.

i havent been on elite in a while, i got vr and everything and it was awesome for what i got to play but i was so lost.

yea for a game this big and massive with the addition of them completely revamping how the game was intended to be in the beginning vs what its aiming to be now. I admit theirs some sketchy things and screw ups but its not like its in a development dark hole like many other games.

i hope theirs some stealth still on the pipeline and good stealth at that.

dont people literally already do this out of their free time they just post it on twitter and tumblr and get something even more worthless, likes and thumbs ups ?

wash your hands? i wish people did at my job.

how did she look before ?

im thinking of going to Nvidia as im having a graphical issue in Vr chat thats been going on for months that at this point should be known by AMD and it still hasnt been fixed.


can i put it on the wall ?

can i put it on the wall ?

damn the nigger thing went back to sega ? wtf

as a Nerdy black dude who is more connected to anime and gaming more than i am into rap and stuff i can see why other races using the reworked Nword can be appaling and in all honesty i wish we would move pass this word and just stop using it eventually I’m cutting Ninja some slack here he probably didnt know the

Gonna play some new VR games i got and get back to working on my own little game.

you can also get Echo arena with lone echo for free still i think. Its like zero G basketball.

For anyone who gets Jedi Academy I recommend the moviebattles 2 mod where you can play with a way more in depth light saber combat and interact with an online community as well as play as characters from a plethora of star wars lore and other players online. It’s free and if you see the user “ I like Mcgriddles “ on

Social games like ‘ve chat have greatly benefited from this and their will continue to be experiences that can’t be cross platform or cross peripherl in this instence. I’m ok with it especially if it improves the influx of ‘ve games. Like for the GTA ‘ve clone their making. I would be ok with controller support on

their was a recent AMA on reddit with a camstar who does it with her boyfriend, maybe you both can be a duo or something?