seriously, who's going to talk about how the Muppets were inappropriate
seriously, who's going to talk about how the Muppets were inappropriate
Gonzo's Tribute to Michael Bay
yeah, but that part came after signing the contract saying you owe them 30k if you leave
Rice Cooker Jambalaya my friend, rice cooker jambalaya
Of course they can. Cops can pull you over for things as simple as hanging something from your mirror. They commonly use things like that for probable cause to pull someone over so they can get a closer look at them. But "not having a plate" is a pretty big thing, it allows for someone to go unidentified and I…
WhatBubble, I definitely agree with you there. BUT I feel you wrote it all off too soon. The first three books are really really really rough, there's reasoning but its unnecessary to explain. Find a thorough recap online or fight your way through #'s 2 and 3 and then read 4 and you will finally understand why…
Yeah, the initial instant he looks really surprised, looks to his dad, sees the camera and immediately acts like pretty much every kid I know when you put a video camera and hams it up
One, everybody has stories about their Dad's shaving long held beards, mine was the opposite. My dad had to work in Dubai for several months when I was like 5 and came back with a full beard, I vaguely remember not recognizing the guy in an all white garb with a full beard and according to my mom I was ultra freaked…
"It's important to make clear is that nobody is claiming a discovery, or any contradiction with relativity," explained Gillies. "The OPERA experiment has a measurement they can't account for, so they're opening it up for further scrutiny, and hopefully an independent measurement from another lab."
very true, but I think if you sussed out the best parts you could cut the trilogy down a good bit and go with that.
Rama - Epic, creepy, this could be an amazing movie, you wouldn't even need to hit the rest of the series.
No that's exactly what they did, from wiki "The film that was ultimately made originally had no connections with Asimov, originating as a screenplay written in 1995 by Jeff Vintar, entitled Hardwired.[1] The script was an Agatha Christie-inspired murder mystery that took place entirely at the scene of a crime..."
The only way I could see Hollywood doing Night's Dawn is SyFy and it being so stupidly cheezy and dumb that I would want to vomit.
or Bester's Demolished Man
Actually I could see them adapting the Daneel Olivaw series from Asimov. Buddy cop, yet sci-fi, they could do it different ways, tv or film. But if done well, you'd have to get great actors for the two main parts, it could be pretty cool.
Fencing out airplane noise may be a bit more detrimental to the park than the airplanes
what's scarier is the tea party kids that think Palin is old news and not hard enough on the Government and Bachmann is the best
1) Bringing back Sarah Connor just seems like it will be the biggest shark jumped ever, it just feels like its going to be a horrible idea.
Agreed, that there are highly intelligent people that believe in a spiritually guided evolution, but that's not the point they are making. The point is that they want to teach that possibility in science classes. Intelligent people believe in it, but they also know that there is no scientific founding for it.