
He goes on further to talk about Ron Paul as well and cites articles listing his anti opinion of evolution and another where he shows support for teaching creationism in schools. Even further in the article they list an example of a Republican who holds beliefs against those listed by the front runners to show that

memorable books have memorable characters

I don't know, I actually think his actions were kind of cool. If you read the link there was a debate going down over at Mental Floss as to what they believed would be the origins of the relationship and Bob Gale left a comment saying that him and Zemeckis envisioned it like that.

So apparently someone's been reading a lot of David Brin

I've been reading too many Uplift books, but there is another point of view: Lets say that planets that can harbor life are extremely rare throughout the universe, to keep from having us destroy a perfectly good planet they could feel the need to intervene.

Yes, but while doing the extincting for them we would also most likely destroy or do irreparable damage to our planet's ecosphere. Also, they may not wipe us out, just take over to keep us from killing ourselves

My only issue with this is that with DTV I can watch a different game on each receiver in my house, if I get rid of DTV and move Sunday Ticket to my playstation I no longer have that option. Unless I can use it on 2 PS3's under the same $340, then this might be a deal breaker, the old lady watches every Bills game,

Actually I'm like 95% sure that you're only signed up for Sunday Ticket and their auto re-enrollment. You're 2 year contract is just to stay a customer of DTV. You can choose to not be enrolled in Sunday Ticket the 2nd year.

the college package is woefully lacking in comparison to Sunday Ticket. But that's because every NFL game is broadcast and done so in HD. While only certain games are done in college and a lot of them don't have HD either.

Dresden Files couldn't compete? Why not? I know it didn't make the finalists list, but I thought that was because it didn't receive as many votes in the initial run. At least that's what it looks like when you go through the comments themselves

The finalists list was a little under 250

Yeah, I didn't get that. The Dresden Files didn't even make the finalists list which was really disappointing to me. The fact that more people voted for that over Dresden...weird

It was weighted by how popular they are because the rank was based on votes, there was no other way that was going to go.

Time had it in the top 100 novels of all time so its not too surprising to see it on a similar subset list

From what I hear its b/c NPR wants to do an all YA list next summer and since HP dominates all lists like this they decided to exclude them this time around

Zelazny does have Amber on there to represent though and Le Guin has two of the Hainish novels, so all in all I think that's still pretty damn good

and would never have been on the list b/c YA novels weren't allowed

at least it wasn't Firefly

Seriously, the exact same comments happened last time with people being outraged that HP wasn't represented in a list of best Fantasy. And it just repeated over and over.

yeah, the part where he said he was a 15 year old that would go without food because of the article being pulled, that's where I started to wonder. I mean, if he is a 15 year old kid and he has expertise in app development, I'm going to say that there's pretty good odds that he isn't poor to the point where he will