
I didn't realize there are non-gay parades.

It's a cover, he's on a CIA mission…hopefully it involves el presidente.

Ratt concert? What year is this?

Little Nicky!

You spelled "asshole" wrong.

Nailed the likeness tho.

Daria over Dr. Katz? Surely you jest.

I bet he took the Dead Russian Hooker deduction.

Obviously thousands of Trump supporters came to the inauguration dressed as grass, white ground tarps, and empty space.

Beards: The American man's answer to the French beret.

Remember Alf? He's back. In POG form!

If this ends with Trump licking a bunch of poison envelopes, I'm all for it.

Replace "Kaiser" with "Muslims," and you've got his stump speech.

One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for m'shoe…

Great news for milkshake enthusiasts, terrible news for coke lovers.

Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax!

I give you "Cherry Cherry Christmas."

Yeah…they're just going to blame all that on the Jews. We've seen this movie before.

Yep, that's the right motherscratcher.

Holy shit snacks, you people are being reasonable and kind to one another! Did I get on the wrong internet somehow?