
I know, that's why I love this quote (in fact, the biggest reason I became a Captain America fan). He's speaking of the ever present stumbling block we will always face. This quote was from 1984, and of any time, it rings just as true —if not moreso— today.

You will dead before voxel-based games are.

Better Quote that shows the character of Captain America...

#1 in Freedum, bitches.

Your post deserves all the likes. I can't give you all the likes, but you can have one from me.

I feel like whenever someone makes a really long and elaborately detailed comment, very few people notice. It's really sad.

Killing black people and killing gardeners is not the same thing because gardeners do not have the problem in our society of being targeted for violence, turned down for jobs, suspected of being criminals, etc., just for being gardeners.

Pretty sure Homer was illiterate. Just saying.

I'm glad the white dudes are out in full force to tell us all who the "real racists" are. And by "real racists" I mean adults who are capable of recognizing that race pervades all media and no art is created in a void.

I agree that there's definitely a pretty big gray area. That said, (a) it's probably a good idea to err on the side of caution whenever you're speaking publicly. Like it or not, the internet is a public forum, and what you say (non-anonymously) is attached to your name. So put some thought into it. Was Olin getting

Where's all the N64 fog and inexplicable rings he HAS to fly through for no reason?

As somebody with experience in this situation, let me just make this easy.

Here's how you ask out someone working at Gamestop, or someone you have interacted with only in a customer service capacity in general: you do not. Do not do this thing. For so many reasons! The big one is that you're making assumptions based entirely on interactions with an inherent power differential, where they are

Better Advice, Don't ask out vaguely alt retail girls...

Or did you miss the last article where a Hot Topic chick spitroasted a super awkward nerd and the internet treated him like the Hans Gruber of dating.

You might want to consider how much you like going to that particular Gamestop, because if things get weird you're not going to want to go there again (and odds are, things are going to get weird at some point).

​Ask Dr. Nerdlove: How Do I Ask Out The GameStop Girl?

I played about half so far and I feel like I want to like it, because I waited so long for it, but I have to force myself to enjoy it.

You do realise that having options to disable UI elements and the actual gameplay are very far removed from each other in terms of listening to the playerbase when it comes to determining how the game will actually play, right?

Windows/doors closing behind you? Not an UI issue.
Seemingly-random surfaces you can't climb

It seems like the game is held back by terrible design as opposed to different hardware.
Doesn't Eidos Montreal have multiple teams? Doesn't seem like the same guys who pushed a brilliant game out would creatively starve a few years later. I seem to recall that both were in development at the same time, as well.

Did anyone really expect anything more? It could have at least unabashedly copied Dishonored and still been a decent game.