
I'd severely doubt it. Mary Jo just got started doing riffs with Bridget, and they're on a roll.

I think it'd still have sucked. There's literally nothing distinctive about the John Goodman character whatsoever. He's just a bland guy, but a good blues singer. If anything, Joe Morton had a WAY more interesting dramatic arc. Maybe it should have just been him and Aykroyd, I dunno.

At least all this hate makes me feel justified for pulling a FIRST BLOOD-esque blood bath in the small town of Phillips Peak, Michigan over the JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS reboot. A lot of innocent cops' legs were speared with sharp sticks over that movie. "NOTHING IS TRULY OUTRAGEOUS!!! NOTHING!!!"

yeah, but

This is very true.

Part of me is mad at the Angry Video Game Nerd for adding fuel to this fire in the first place. I KNOW, his thoughts had nothing to do with the female aspect and he was calmly saying the movie wasn't for him, which is fine. It's just that the fact he made a video about it meant that all these trolls now had a shield

I still don't care.

He doesn't bring it up, so neither will I. Pretty simple. And he makes Trump jokes and Fox News jokes all the time in RiffTrax, so if it doesn't affect his sense of humor, I won't care. People can and should have different beliefs, as long as they aren't dicks about it.

To be fair, that was back in 2007 or so, when we weren't so enlightened on transgender issues, and I believe Lana Wachowski was not an out-and-proud transgendered woman at the time. This was back when they didn't do any press, and everyone just speculated on her getting a sex change/cheating on her wife with a

Hey, the dude frequently makes Fox News/Donald Trump/Lou Dobbs jokes on RiffTrax. If he isn't one of the cooler level-headed Republicans out there, he's doing a great job at hiding it.

I think Bill has said he's liberal on some issues, conservative on others. Also, he wrote a very nice post about how they'd stop using the word "tranny" in future RiffTrax due to complaints.

"Machete don't tweet"?

I was born too late to experience Mr. Boone's music. I do, however, love the fruit-flavored alcohol that he brews at his farm, so he still has my respect.

That's the unclear part! They say officially that they're too busy to do the new show, but keep liking and retweeting people who said "I want Trace and Frank back". And I think they already turned down the offer before the Kickstarter, but the Kickstarter said that the invitation was still open, which I think is what

Actually, he's made it clear those tweets were just jokes, and he's gone on to defend Joel on more than one occasion. And he politely turned down the reunion because he's working on a documentary.

Yeah, but Joel and Jonah weren't on the cast docket at the start of the Kickstarter.

BTW, if you look on the copyrights on the new MST3K set, you'll see that Best Brains has now been renamed Satellite of Love, LLC. So we can safely say the Mallon era is done for good.

Oh, just a whole bunch of Tweets from Trace and Frank suggesting that they weren't happy with the direction this new MST3K was going, and that they felt like they were being kicked to the curb because they were too old. No specific complaints, just a lot of cryptic statements.


I'd think Trace and Frank are far too civil for that sort of thing. They didn't call Joel out on anything specific, they were just sheepishly suggesting that they didn't agree with the new show.