Jason Spears

Actually just drove down that exact street last week. Those ‘chicanes’ are generally placed at the entrance to a town and are meant to force you to slow down.  Sometimes it’s a single, sometimes double.

WTF is with the chicanes on the public road?

On the glass thing you are kidding right? That was a MAJOR selling point of the Pacer for one. “Big greenhouse” was a common phrase in US car marketing materials.  That was one of the design cues of the “modern” era of design in the 1970s.  Chevy made a big deal out of it on the Impala/Caprice “boxy” styled cars too.

well, i mean if we are going to be shamelessly self promoting....

The dangers at Pocono, from a layout standpoint, are actually fairly easy to outline.

Firstly, as Nazareth native Sage Karam pointed out, Pocono is a wide track, but not a consistently wide track. This means cars fanning out down the long straightaways to find ways around each other.

Secondly, the turns at Pocono are

Keyless entry solves a problem that nobody really had and creates its own slew of issues that can turn out to be pretty damn annoying. Not to mention it’s billed as a high end feature, when really it is cheaper than mechanical locks and ignition.

Oh good, can we have the debate about how pointless those fobs are again?

For sale my 2009 Acura Si Turbo Jeep 350z, ran when parked, I know what I have.

No, it’s clearly a “Best of Queen” cassette by now, as it’s been in the car longer than a fortnight.

This fucking amazes me. I totally can’t believe it. People still play Pokemon Go?! Fake news.

That goes without saying ...

That’s a shitload of downforce.

So a product for someone who needs mobility assistance into the woods that:

Who can say if Goldblum himself is carrying a darker inner-life...

Probably the finest example of a 1990 Chrysler LeBaron GT in existence.

Paraphrasing Miss Shirley Bassey: “That’s all just a little bit of chemistry repeating” :-)

Typical GM in my opinion

Employee: “The restaurant could explode. We could lose our jobs.”

I thought that was only optional though. The base sound system was the engine.

pissed off cuz ‘did it better’?