Jason Spears

Turbo all the things, and you can get all your torque early if that’s how you want it.

Another overpriced time capsule. CP.

This. IMO a nicely accessible torque curve should start around 1,500. 3,600 in a car that aspires to luxury could be an experience anywhere between “really?” and “OMG no” depending on NVH.

looks dope

Pratt would play a special forces commando recruited by the DEA in order to kill drug dealers being protected by the CIA, which seems like it should provide plenty of opportunities for gunplay, machismo, and glares

Really, the worst case is this turns out to be a great, brilliant-looking move for Ford and everyone else follows suit. With the US population calling the shots with their wallets, this should not be considered far fetched.

If its primary and default mode of operation is one wherein only the gear I select is used until I select a different one, it’s a manual.

If you hid the badging and showed only the front view, I bet you could convince the average consumer this is a new Camry or Accord - including the “fixed” one with the black bar.

So the new look is basically someone stuck an orange peel over their teeth, smiled, and said “Like this!” to the designers. I’m caught between this and the zero-personality Tesla Model 3.

Yeah, for $45k and up you get a slightly too-blank canvas.

Re-buy John Cena’s GT every time it comes up for auction for the next several years.

The asking price is too high

(compared to the long-rage model’s 145 mph and 0-60 mph in around five seconds)

This should be called “the hangry look.” See also:

This site’s logo.

You mean it’s possible to have adequate drainage without gaping chasms dotted around to swallow the unwary?

For me, this idea originated with the Engine Chicken recipe in “How To Keep Your Honda Alive: A Manual of Step by Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot.” Wish I still had a copy.

Now playing

This has been well covered, but people won’t get the message no matter how it’s presented.

Reviewers aren’t forcing people to buy them. The buying is what influences the manufacturers. The problem is that people can be convinced they want something, then they can be convinced that the want is a need. The root cause is a lack of critical thinking in the general population, which the late great philosopher

Needs more stance tho.