Jason Spears

While Nissan was busy trying to put a functional mouse in a car.

And the weight. The Accord’s no ballerina.

I mean, if this didn’t have Hasbro and Lucasfilm branding...

The assumption being that CA traffic is a gun-free zone, or something? Because that’s basically some “please shoot me right now, here’s my face” behavior from that BMW driver. This guy is just one more tantrum away from a Darwin award.

So much headlight lens. Those housings look like they cover at least 2/3 the width of the car.

Twa-regg? Toe-rag? I’m sorry, I’m really bad at this.

Biff Tannen was not available for comment.

Or to underscore the difference further, the GTI gets 37.5% better highway fuel economy based on EPA numbers.

frankly, I had assumed all the Hayabusa owners died sometime in the mid-2000s

It’s like Damian Hirst’s For the Love of God (aka “Skull”) - he put $20 million worth of diamonds on a skull and sold it for $100 million. Then he sold prints with the skull on it (some with diamond dust in the silkscreen) for $2000-$20,000 and made millions more.

It looks like riding an angry bull, except the bull is powered by explosions, and instead of rodeo clowns to save you there are only concrete barriers - to protect the bystanders when the bull tries to turn you to paste by slamming into them.

Don’t target innocent animals. Don’t be distracted by your phone. But above all, don’t take vertical video because sometimes karma can’t wait.

This was the plan all along.

That tape deck has got to go. #AddLightness

I have to say, that’s a bit classless for you.

Stewart gets to be the guy who can say “Can you believe they paid me for that shit?” and laugh about it. If I were him, I’d say that’s worth it, and he probably had some laughs doing the job.

We need an engaging PSA with “Another One Bites the Dust” playing in the background.