Jason Spears

It looks like there’s every way possible for air to exit the wheel well from underneath the car, so how effective would these really be? Dueling ventilation methods.

My car isn’t affected on paper, but that’s no reassurance. I have a 2007 Accord, and it’s in the range of years of affected Accords, but somehow still is not considered “affected.” I don’t have 100% confidence in suppliers’ and manufacturers’ tracking, but the alternative is to preemptively replace it on my own dime.

And maybe dynamite too, just in case.

Except that it also covers some wear items. Wheel bearings for life!

A huge fan of your brand is ecstatic to pay MSRP - MSRP!- for the car. Naturally, what you do is trash this goodwill by screwing over one of your biggest fans. SMH.

Somehow this comment helped me realize where I’ve seen Missy before, in another show. Now I know why she seems so familiar as well as likable.

Saw the specs and thought “better to go with an Acura TL SH-AWD.” Seriously, who is this car for?

Haters of the new Civic’s styling, take a long look at this as you’re getting off my lawn.

it’s gaudy and inappropriate for a vehicle at this price point.

Now playing

They should have gone with a departure from the Accord name and design cues. This just reminds me of Grosse Pointe Blank - “It was just as if everyone had swelled.”

This (height, visibility) is the reason I hear people cite, or conversely they’re talking about how scary it was that time they rode in something tiny and low. This is more of the same war of escalation that began with the Blazer, or whatever vehicle you want to label as the ur-SUV. People don’t just want these,

Reminds me of Louis C.K.’s bit about “she got her feelings hurt.”

A Hideo Kojima Game

Citing unsatisfiable demand and zero production, Nintendo has announced they are halting production of the SNES Classic before it begins.

The Make F1 Great Again plan continues to unfold.

No louvers. CP.

Edit: Can’t embed a kinja comment in a comment. Meh. Here:

These are ridiculous laws.

Don’t discount that there’s a demographic who will purchase the car they can’t quite afford, then never maintain it. I saw an S4 yesterday bouncing around like it had no rear dampers at all. Encasement in concrete may have been the best possible fate for this car.