Jason Spears

What bothers me the most is what flag is that supposed to be??

2nd Gear: Because nothing fixes real problems quicker and easier than corporate shell games.

Five years older than Depp.

On the positive side, there’s a possible new hill climb car for someone.

Please, please give us Gary Oldman as Captain Jack Sparrow.

CP. An Accord V6 coupe with the 6-speed is available all day long for the same or less.

Needs moar wave motion gun.

‘74 Mustang 4-cylinder automatic. It was given to me in the mid 90's. Owing purely to its lack of ability to make speed, probably the safest car I’ll ever own, and that’s even versus a ~30hp Karmann-Ghia.

Honda CR-Z. If it had managed to be an actual successor to the original CRX... what a car that could have been.

That story again,

That story again,

This is truly the best and worst place to put a road.

The price of Seville-ity is just too high.

Emphasis mine, because that is a radical, fundamental shift from the way GM did business for decades.

Police said the officer had little discretion in making the arrest because of the underlying felony involved with the car burglary, said Lt. Mike Bandish, spokesman for the Palm Bay Police Department.

The one you can just hose the sand out of.

This is interesting. I guess that would also account for the lack of helmet?

All the props to him for making this mistake on a track.

I can do this in DiRT Rally for moments at a time. It’s a very strange feeling to watch yourself functioning so differently than the usual realtime processing of inputs. It feels amazing, then I realize I’ve just heard something about “care” and “slippy” as the world goes sideways to upside down. Still incredibly fun.

You see a car in peril. I live in Atlanta, so I see a bunch of crap stored under the flyover ramp. Hope none of that junk is flammable.

This is an excellent article.