Jason Spears

Honestly, this is fine. Before I clicked I was picturing anything equipped with a Takata airbag. What a relief.

Seconded, because this was impulse-buy cheap at $40 on special from Amazon when I was looking for something that would be inexpensive and work. And really, the best dash cam is the one that’s in your car and working.

Seconded, because this was impulse-buy cheap at $40 on special from Amazon when I was looking for something that

No chandeliers?

Why do enthusiasts spend good money on, essentially, relics?

Memory fades with time, but as I recall, even the ‘79 Civic CVCC I drove was way better than any Chevette I ever sat in. According to Wikipedia, that year’s engine had a whopping 60HP.

I hear sitting in traffic they run and handle about the same. That’s where I am most of the time.

You can’t reasonably...


We’re just about to the point where subsurface scattering (even simulated) is a better investment in realism than more character detail.

Do concept cars need to have off-putting, cold, sterile interiors? I want a round-ish steering wheel, analog gauges, a 6-speed shifter, and third pedal. There’s no “innovation” needed where these are concerned.

Meme caption should instead read “But when I do, I always have.”

It’s not a Star Wars specific thing, but really worth watching carefully anyway - the “Come with me,” “Don’t go” scene between Finn and Rey. The entire scene has their roles reversed from tradition, with him below her looking up into her eyes imploringly. This is the classic “romantic leads in crisis” scene stood on

They’re using Splunk, at least as of a year ago.


I like how he briefly trolls the entire internet by starting the video out vertical, then flips to horizontal just as the rage begins to build.

Seems to have been done with care, and best of all, humor.

This is a nice writeup, and I was thinking this is something my kid will be interested in reading...

Someone’s lying on the ground after an accident, status unknown. Call 911? Do something helpful? Hell no, go accost the driver you believe to be at fault.