I’m just here to commit blasphemy and state that I’ve always thought the square headlights look better than the round. They just fit the overall shape of the Jeep better. Now to run away from all the hardcore Jeepers chasing me with pitchforks screaming things like “purity” and “history” at me.
Truth — though not all at once.
With my Ford f100, I ended up replacing most of the oil seals over the first 10K miles after it’s resurrection. The side-plate seal is still leaking, though not enough to be arsed about.
Hooning a vintage 360 powered Wagoneer with a purdy redhead in the passenger seat = #winning
I like the way the car looks. But the “suicide” comment is very apt for this car. Ford has just stuck the needle in Lincoln’s arm and is waiting like Dr. Kevorkian to see the terminal patient push the button. It’s $70 grand for a extra super duper special Taurus. No V8. FWD. Ecoboost blah blah blah. I love Fords.…
I won’t doubt that physics and the less room for error + everyday distractions lead to more deaths than needed, even as cars have become safer. You can’t beat physics.
does this account for the increased traffic on the roads over this period of time (i assume that there are a lot more people driving around today than back in 87)