
I thought this ruling was about concealed carry permits, not open carry. No?

Or flip the argument:


Isn’t the point of concealed carry to keep it concealed?

Yes really if we are simply going to classify things as simply as Asian, White, Black, etc., which is what Sassy was doing to start this thread. (And Ezinne and the linked research from the main article.)

Whites and Asians.

From one of your links:

... which isn’t a fucking thing ...

Vice-presidenting is hard, so pick up the busy work that the former first lady was “doing”? Ouch.

Level 52 here.

FWIW I put in about 20 hours into the game over the last week. (Which was not my original intention.)

Let me say as I’ve always said, and I will always continue to say, that riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. ... But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. - Martin Luther King Jr.

Joy (show me you’re a racist without saying you’re a racist) Behar should see also Atlanta, Kentucky, Louisiana, or heck anywhere where African Americans are tired of effing around.

Where did you get that idea?

Or you could simply look at the excess mortality rate during the covid years to see that it is a very realy number ... but not 5x.

That’s just it. There is no safe anymore. Everyone will get it eventually. Even Fauci says so.

My kid brought it home from school. They all wear masks there. I’m triple vaxxed.

My guess is that a HBCU would give her more grief about her ties to Isaias Afwerki.

Siouxsie got sampled by The Weeknd recently. Happy House sample in House of Balloons.

Dead children are bad. What a hot controversial stance. Yes so brave.