New pants, but he’s had that shirt for years.
New pants, but he’s had that shirt for years.
Getting vaccinated doesn’t prevent getting infected though. It dramatically improves the outcome for those that do.
Being obese is as much of a factor as being unvaxxed. What’s your stance on fat shaming? Same?
First they came for the unvaxxed, then the smokers, drinkers, over eaters, etc., etc.
I’m an alpha male. If you discriminate on my public image and my name, at that point it’s f**k you too professionally,” Brown said when talking about Arians
In 2022 though? You know the William’s sisters are indeed, ‘not here’ right now.
Clueless Hero doing some deep cut South Park there.
Same question ... as I’m not sure it is showing what Keith (what was that about two first names?) Reed thinks it is.
Headline + that picture is genius.
Headline + that picture is genius.
2020 Biden: “You get all these degrees and you get all this debt, and you get in a position where you can’t get a job because no one is hiring, or they’re hiring at very low wages... I’m going to eliminate your student debt if you come from a family [making less] than $125,000 and went to a public university.”
“... restore them to their innocent, human forms...”
The anime has been a huge hit in our house with everyone but mom who is not pleased with the male-gazey camera every time Faye is on screen. Kids were raised on Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Jo Jo, etc., and generally don’t find the 80's stuff very appealing but this has been the exception.
I don’t know ... any number black Olympians who competed and won gold in 2021?
You think people call Biden on his cell phone? (Late night when they need his love?)
College students though. Plenty of people not going to college still get laid.
Hillary was a lot closer than sniffing.
1st ed. WFB was released in 1983.
Rogue Trader (1st ed. 40K) was released in 1987.
77% of Black influencers have less than 50,000 followers?
I’d probably put, “The covid-19 vaccine “has killed an untold number of babies” in your unverified column rather than your false claims column.