
The answer to your question about what "the wrong type of heat is" involves the point you bring up in your third paragraph; the "wrong kind of heat" is the kind that makes the viewer go not "Oh, god, this asshole again, I hope he gets beat up" but instead "Oh, god, this asshole again, I'm changing the channel." Or

I'll congratulate WWE on their masterful working - if way too late - if Roman is actually turning heel. Given the whole "nontraditional fans cheer who they'd normally boo and boo who they'd normally cheer!" stuff, I tend to expect this is just WWE riding out what they think will be especially bad reactions to Roman on

John Cena is this close to being just another good, enjoyable face guy for me instead of Cena Wins LOL guy. He hasn't been running roughshod recently, he's not being given the spotlight where they double-down on making him look strong (I guess because Roman is in that place now), and he's not quite as verbally

My big problem with these two as a tag team is that Sheamus, to me, is only interesting when he's able to go stiff against another big hoss. Putting him with Cesaro means that's one (very interesting) hoss he can't go up against, and by and large the tag teams don't have many hoss-types for him to go up against,

I thought this was going to be about Big Train. But no, I have been out-British-nerd-ed, yet again.

I knew that part, but for some reason I'd got it into my head that Seth had skipped over that bit in his breakdown of the tweet. My bad.

Sure, but they could say "wellness policy violation".

I'd be more impressed with the WWE acknowledging Roman's suspension if they ever actually said (or allowed to be said) what he was suspended for besides his "mistake". I understand the urge not to have "Roman Reigns" and "steroids" (or "fat-burners" or whatever the hell it was he was pinged for) strung together in

This (and last week) was just an incredible three hours of wrestling TV. I can't believe it was free to air - if what it takes for there to be a season 2 of this is that Ultima Lucha II is PPV, that's fine with me, as long as I get more of this.

I don't know how! I didn't notice the foot at all until a couple of seconds of shocked celebration.

Every time I realise we're about to get a Paul Heyman promo I think "Ok, this is the time when it's not going to be great." And then I'm proved wrong. He has a perfect balance between getting in all the catchphrases that the WWE demands from promos and bringing in new stuff.

As much as a lot of this show was established name vs. jobber new people, I felt like we actually started getting some effort to establish the new guys. Dawkins/Gable is becoming a Thing, plus Dawkins' search for a tag partner is just the kind of thing to start getting him over as a Guy and introducing some of the

I actually didn't like Cena's commentary. Shocker, I know, but as much as what he was saying was good and helpful for putting over Owens/Neville, he just sounded so…. bored and disinterested. He never raised his voice, he almost completely stuck in one monotone, his reaction to the match was limited to pausing during

Aiden English. I'm afraid he's a married man.