
Quick clarification to show the connection I meant to make between victims and killers. Serial killers, like the more common killer, keep within their own race for the great majority of the time. So it stands to reason a higher victim count of Blacks will mean a higher killer count of the same race, too. I can

Who do you trust more? The FBI who also admits they do not actually track the number and stats of serial killers and indeed did not give numbers in their article, or a research facility actually doing research? (That was included in the links as well.) The FBI also states a different definition using the Protection of

Easy. I actually research before I start spouting statistics. I'll even toss in some extra resources for you. Please do provide citations for your own claim that non-white serial killers are "really rare."

Another note, but since the 1990's "black" became the dominant race in serial killings. The gap keeps widening with fewer whites doing the serial killings. For the 2010's so far we're at 34% serial killers are white, and 56% are black. Hispanics are slowly rising as well, which makes sense with their percentage of the

Not quite fair to use such a small subject pool, though. In comparison to the entire human population. Are we also counting the Drug Cartel? Gang killings of any race are also not considered serial. We don't even have numbers for those killed at the US/Mexican boarder. Does the US really have more serial killers or is

Serial killers with the highest numbers are all in Latin America, actually. So it would be more correct to say, "If you're Latino you can get away with it for a surprisingly long time."