
my kotaku name is straightforward i am a real life pagan {druid} following a path of balance in light and shadow, and i belive there are shades of the oaths we walk. my xbox live tag is shadowy reaper. when the reaper comes for you who reaps your shadow? and if your shadow is reaped before you can you

funny, most of our founding fathers weren't "Christian" any way, they were "Universalist Unitarians" hence the wording of the constitution stating "endowed by our Creator" Not "endowed by God" etc etc Very few of our founders were actual Christians. even by their standards. yet somehow they managed to keep the

Erelde, The person posted above you mentions the Mongol conquests, over 15% of the worlds population if you actually think that 2.5% of the worlds population is the biggest number of mass destruction in history i suggest reading a bit broader in terms of your chosen histories, oh and the U.N was not a