You should also mention that many credit cards offer travel insurance as a free perk. This does allow for you to reimbursed for weather-related shenanigans (or any other time that the airline doesn’t pony up for food or lodging).
You should also mention that many credit cards offer travel insurance as a free perk. This does allow for you to reimbursed for weather-related shenanigans (or any other time that the airline doesn’t pony up for food or lodging).
And if you’re near Canada, don’t do Global Entry, do nexus. All the benefits of global entry and pre-check, plus quicker entry to Canada, and half the cost.
Thank you Katie!
I just graduated from graduate school and my wife and I make really good salaries ($300k+ together), but still have tons of debt (including about $60k in credit card debt and $100k in student loans). We are paying down the revolving debt as fast as we can. How should we approach saving for a down payment? Should we…